New Podcast: Keeping Truck Drivers Safe On The Road
October 25, 2021 by Michael Burney
How challenging is it to hire, retain and keep drivers safe on the road? Collins & Lacy’s attorney Rob Peele interviewed Jim Widowfield, Vice President of Transportation for the SEFA Group, to find out. This new podcast episode was recorded at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Trucking Association in Myrtle Beach, SC, and is available here and on all your favorite podcast platforms!

About Michael Burney
Michael Burney is Director of Business Development for Collins & Lacy. He has extensive experience in sales, journalism, corporate marketing and ad agency management. At Collins & Lacy, he works to connect Insurance companies, TPAs, adjusters, captive and self-insured companies with the firm’s talented defense attorneys. He is also the host and producer of the firm’s podcast, The Legal Bench.