What It Takes: The Algebra of Great Lawyering


The algebra of great lawyering is the blend of incredible competence, powerful relationships, and effective communication. This formula is the key to excelling in the competitive, evolving legal landscape. Deep practice focus and carving out a niche enables lawyers to deliver innovative solutions, while authentic relationships built on trust transform professional interactions into meaningful partnerships. The cornerstone is communication—clear, empathetic, and rhythmic—ensuring clients are informed and supported. This approach goes beyond winning cases; it’s about creating a lasting impact and setting a new standard for legal excellence, profoundly affecting the lives of those served.


The Formula

Scott Galloway is a professor of marketing at NYU Stern School of Business, a serial entrepreneur, bestselling author, and popular media personality. He is known for his insightful,often provocative, commentary on the intersection of business, technology, and society.

Galloway recently published a new book entitled The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security. This bestseller emphasizes maximizing income, minimizing expenses, creating value, and investing wisely over time to build lasting financial security. His formula for achieving financial security centers on focus, time, diversification, and adapting to a changing economic landscape.

Just like Galloway’s proposition that there is an algebra to financial security, there is an algebra to great lawyering. A “great lawyer” is one who possesses not only a deep understanding of the law but also the ability to connect with people on a human level. They are skilled communicators, adept negotiators, and trusted advisors who advocate fiercely for their clients’ best interests. A great lawyer is not just a legal expert; they are a problem solver, a strategist, and a compassionate advocate who empowers their clients to navigate complex legal challenges with confidence and clarity.

Great lawyers are remarkable. Moreover, great lawyers are leaders. They are the ones with the books of business that drive the engine of their firms. They are the franchise players that leave an incredible wake in their organization. They are the lawyers that others watch and talk about with respect.

To that end, I propose the formula for great lawyering is:
Incredible competence & capability + Great Relationships + Great Communication

Incredible Competence & Capability

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the legal profession, the era of the general practitioner has given way to a new paradigm where focusing on a niche is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity. Today’s lawyers are increasingly recognizing that to create a competitive edge and earn the trust of clients, they must choose a specific area of law where they can cultivate deep knowledge and a proven track record.

This shift toward concentrating on a niche is driven by the growing complexity of legal issues and the diverse needs of clients. As laws and regulations become more intricate and sector-specific, clients seek attorneys who are not just familiar with the law but who possess an exceptional depth of knowledge in particular areas. This depth ensures that the lawyer can navigate the nuances of the field, anticipate challenges, and deliver solutions that are both innovative and legally sound.

Moreover, focusing on a particular niche allows lawyers to build a strong personal brand. By honing their proficiency in a specific area, whether it’s hospitality law, intellectual property, appellate, healthcare compliance, or another field, attorneys can differentiate themselves from the competition. This distinction makes it easier for potential clients to identify the lawyer as the go-to authority in that area, fostering trust and credibility.

A lawyer with a concentrated niche is also better positioned to stay abreast of the latest developments in their field. Continuous learning and professional development are easier to manage when focused on a specific area, allowing the lawyer to offer up-to-date advice and innovative strategies. This proactive approach not only enhances the lawyer’s effectiveness but also reassures clients that their legal matters are in knowledgeable hands.

In essence, the move towards focusing on a specific niche is a strategic response to the demands of a more sophisticated and segmented legal market. By picking a lane and developing unparalleled knowledge, today’s lawyers can offer tailored solutions, establish deeper client relationships, and navigate the complexities of the legal world with confidence and authority.

You can’t be everything to everybody. But if you select a practice area and hone your knowledge and develop a track record to the point where you are viewed as a leader in that area, you will always have a robust market for your services.

Great Relationships

Creating and maintaining great relationships within the legal profession, including with clients, other defense counsel, plaintiff’s counsel, judges, and thought leaders in your practice area, is not just about professionalism—it’s about depth, authenticity, and genuineness. These qualities are the bedrock of trust and respect, which are indispensable in the legal world.

Authenticity means being genuine in your interactions, not just going through the motions. It involves showing a true interest in the concerns and needs of clients, colleagues, and the court. This genuineness is critical because people are adept at detecting insincerity. Shallow, performative interactions can be seen a mile away and are often met with distrust. Clients, in particular, are looking for an attorney who not only understands their case but also genuinely cares about their outcome. This sincerity fosters a deeper connection, making clients more open to sharing crucial information that could impact their case.

Reliability is a cornerstone of these deepened relationships. Reliability is largely about delivering on promises, time and again. But it goes beyond this—it’s also about consistently being a source of strength and stability for your clients and peers. It’s about having guts and resolve and always doing the right thing. Being reliable in all these senses builds a reputation over time that earns you the respect of clients, judges, and fellow lawyers. They come to know that you are not just reliable in the superficial sense but deeply committed to upholding the standards and ethics of the profession.

Responsiveness plays a crucial role in deepening relationships because it signals attentiveness and respect. Timely and thoughtful responses show that you value the other person’s time and concerns. This is especially important in litigation, where stress levels are high, and the stakes are significant. A responsive lawyer who addresses concerns promptly and thoroughly can significantly alleviate client anxiety, turning a professional relationship into a trusted partnership.

The benefits of these deep, authentic relationships are manifold:

  • Enhanced Collaboration: Deep relationships with other counsel can lead to more effective and efficient case resolutions. Lawyers should be the peacemakers in conflict. When lawyers trust each other to be genuine and straightforward, negotiations and discussions are more likely to be productive, ultimately benefiting the clients with quicker and more satisfactory outcomes.
  • Judicial Respect: Authenticity and depth in the relationship with judges ensure that when you speak, the court listens. Judges appreciate lawyers who are genuine in their representations and respectful of the court’s time and processes. This respect can positively influence the judicial consideration of your arguments.
  • Strategic Insight: By being genuinely engaged with industry and practice area thought leaders and continuously deepening these connections, lawyers gain access to the most current and innovative legal strategies and insights. This engagement means they can bring fresh, effective solutions to their clients’ cases.
  • Risk Mitigation: Deep relationships allow for more open and honest communication, which is vital for identifying and addressing potential issues throughout the litigation process. This proactive approach prevents complications and ensures smoother case progression towards resolution.
  • Client Confidence and Satisfaction: Clients are more confident and satisfied when they feel their lawyer genuinely cares about them and their case. This confidence is crucial for helping clients navigate the challenges of litigation, as they trust their lawyer is fully committed to their best interests.

The need to deepen relationships through authenticity and genuineness cannot be overstated in the legal profession. These qualities, combined with reliability and responsiveness, ensure that the relationships you build are not only professional but also profoundly trusted and respected, significantly benefiting clients engaged in litigation.

Great Communication

Effective communication is the lifeblood of successful lawyering. It transcends mere exchange of information; it is about building trust, ensuring clarity, and fostering an environment where dialogue leads to positive outcomes. A great lawyer excels in both verbal and written communication, adapting their style and method to suit the needs and understanding of their audience, whether clients, colleagues, judges, or thought leaders.

Clarity is paramount in legal communication. Lawyers must be able to distill complex legal concepts into understandable terms for clients, ensuring they are fully informed and can make educated decisions about their cases. For interactions with other lawyers and judges, clarity involves presenting arguments and information in a concise and persuasive manner that leaves no room for ambiguity.

Transparency enhances the trust that is foundational to all great relationships. It involves being open about the potential outcomes, the steps in the legal process, and any challenges that might arise. Transparency ensures that clients are not left in the dark about their cases, and it cultivates a sense of security and confidence in their legal representation.

Empathy in communication is about understanding and acknowledging the emotions and concerns of others. When lawyers communicate with empathy, they connect on a human level, making clients and colleagues feel heard and valued. This empathetic approach is especially crucial in tense or emotionally charged cases, as it helps maintain a calm and constructive atmosphere.

Consistency in communication builds a reliable rhythm in the attorney-client relationship. Regular updates, straightforward responses to queries, and a consistent approach to sharing information keep clients informed and engaged. This consistency helps manage expectations and minimizes misunderstandings that could affect the case or the relationship.

The rhythm of communication plays a crucial role in deepening trust. Establishing a predictable pattern of interactions reassures clients and professional peers alike, fostering a sense of security and mutual understanding. When clients know when and how they will receive updates, they can prepare mentally and emotionally, reducing anxiety and promoting a stable environment for effective collaboration.

Active Listening is a critical skill that underpins great communication. It involves fully focusing on the speaker, understanding their message, and responding thoughtfully. Active listening enables lawyers to catch nuances and details that may be crucial for the case and demonstrates to clients and peers that their views and insights are valued. A lot of lawyers are very bad when it comes to listening; they like to talk too much. The reality is that all that talking is often unhelpful in solving problems. It just wastes time and can create more problems in a matter. Developing the skill of active listening puts a lawyer on a higher plane versus many others in the profession.

Great communication is not just about what is said; it’s about how it’s said and how well it’s received. By mastering clarity, transparency, empathy, consistency, active listening, and maintaining a rhythmic flow of communication, lawyers can enhance their ability to advocate, negotiate, and lead. This comprehensive approach to communication not only aids in achieving favorable outcomes for clients but also strengthens the lawyer’s role as a trusted advisor and respected professional in the legal community.


In the dynamic world of the legal profession, the algebra of great lawyering extends beyond mere knowledge of the law. It is the blend of extreme competence, powerful relationships, and effective and constant communication. This formula isn’t just about navigating legal complexities; it’s about excelling in a fiercely competitive and rapidly evolving marketplace.

Incredible competence, rooted in a deep practice focus, empowers lawyers to deliver innovative, tailored solutions that meet the intricate demands of their clients. By carving out a niche, lawyers establish themselves as authoritative figures, reassuring clients that their legal issues are managed with the highest level of expertise and insight.

Yet, technical skill alone does not suffice. The foundation of great lawyering also lies in authentic, genuine relationships characterized by reliability and trust. These connections transform professional interactions into meaningful partnerships, fostering collaboration, securing respect, and unlocking strategic insights that benefit clients through every phase of litigation.

The capstone of this algebra is communication. Clear, transparent, empathetic, and actively engaged communication creates a rhythmic flow of information that deepens trust, minimizes misunderstandings, and cultivates an environment where advocacy and negotiation thrive. This rhythmic communication ensures clients feel continuously informed, valued, and supported throughout their legal journey.

Ultimately, the algebra of great lawyering is about more than just winning; it’s about making a lasting impact and building a legacy of excellence. By embracing these principles, lawyers not only elevate their professional status but also profoundly affect the lives of those they represent, setting a new standard for what it means to be a truly great lawyer in today’s world.

About Christian Stegmaier
Senior Shareholder

Christian Stegmaier is a shareholder and chair of the Retail & Hospitality Practice Group at Collins & Lacy in Columbia. He is also active in the firm’s professional liability and appellate practices. Stegmaier welcomes your questions at (803) 255-0454 or cstegmaier@collinsandlacy.com.