Wall Street Journal: Retailers Want In on Stimulus Plan, Call for Tax Free Shopping
December 27, 2008 by Christian Stegmaier
From the December 24th WSJ:
The country’s largest retail trade association asked President-elect Barack Obama Tuesday to add a series of sales tax-exempt shopping days to a coming economic stimulus package in an effort to revive consumer confidence and spur spending.
The National Retail Federation called for three periods of sales tax-free shopping that would last 10 days each in March, July and October 2009. The trade group estimates that it would save consumers about $20 billion, or $175 per family.
The retailers’ group wants a tax-free program to apply to all goods subject to state sales tax, including apparel, home furnishings, restaurant dining and automobiles.
Click here for the full story: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123007573825931553.html
Also, click here for National Retail Federation’s press release regarding the request: http://www.nrf.com/modules.php?name=News&op=viewlive&sp_id=625
About Christian Stegmaier
Senior Shareholder
Christian Stegmaier is a shareholder and chair of the Retail & Hospitality Practice Group at Collins & Lacy in Columbia. He is also active in the firm’s professional liability and appellate practices. Stegmaier welcomes your questions at (803) 255-0454 or cstegmaier@collinsandlacy.com.