Christian Stegmaier

Prom  and graduation season is an exciting time for teenagers, filled with anticipation, glamour, and often, a desire for freedom and fun. For parents, it can be a challenging time too, especially when it comes to ensuring their child's safety...

What It Takes The Golden Rolodex: Stagnation and Succession in Defense Law Firms The world of defense law firms can be a gilded cage. Senior partners, armed with years of experience and a rolodex overflowing with client contacts, reign supreme....

Reed Hastings, co-founder of Netflix and current executive chairman, has become synonymous with innovation and disruption. But beyond revolutionizing entertainment streaming, Hastings has built a company admired for its unique culture and relentless pursuit of excellence. At the heart of...

In the aftermath of an alcohol-related incident, when questions of liability arise, the stakes are high for both the claimant and the subject establishment accused of wrongdoing. South Carolina's "dram shop" framework allows injured parties to hold permit holders accountable...

In civil litigation, a defense lawyer's most crucial task in case handling is to develop a comprehensive "risk portrait" for their clients as they address their response to a litigated claim. Far from being a mere collection of legal details,...

WeWork, the once-high-flying co-working company that was once valued at $47 billion, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, marking a dramatic end to a chapter in one of Silicon Valley's once most promising (and curious) startups. The company's fall...